Our Guinea Pigs
Guinea pigs make an excellent choice for a first pet as they’re fairly low maintenance. They’re also typically very social & friendly. Being social animals, they do great in pairs, but with enough attention they can also do great alone. We do not require purchasing in pairs as some breeders do. They come in several different varieties with different coat types & we have several of these varieties in our herd. For more information about keeping these guys as pets please visit https://www.animallama.com/guinea-pigs/guinea-pigs-good-pets/. If we have pigs available you’ll find them on our Sale Page.
The guinea pigs below are our breeding herd & are generally not for sale. Occasionally we do let one or two go and if they’re available it will be indicated below their photos.
Gold/Black/White Tricolor Abyssinian Boar
Red & White Bicolor Purebred Texel Sow
Lemon Agouti w/White Purebred Texel Sow – Pedigreed
Lilac/Red/White Tricolor Purebred Texel Sow – Pedigreed
Black/Cream Brindle Abyssinian/Peruvian Cross Sow
Silver Agouti American Sow
Black Belted Teddy Sow
Cream Agouti/Cream Brindle American Sow
Silver Agouti American Sow
Cream & White Abyssinian/Peruvian/Skinny Cross Sow
Cream & Black Abby/Peruvian/Texel Cross Sow
Golden Agouti & Red American Sow
Silver Agouti & White American Sow